Our volunteers are very important. They keep the wheels turning on our road to success. As a volunteer you will make a difference. It can be an opportunity to contribute your skills and expertise, lead a project or simply volunteer for a few hours. We love seeing both new and familiar faces at our events. Some volunteers participate in one or two events per year, and others attended every event. We appreciate our volunteers and all they have to offer.
Ways YOU Can Get Involved:
- Volunteer at a Cleanup
- Volunteer to help with Registration at an event
- Volunteer for Environmental Education Events
- Volunteer to help organize one of our fundraisers or Paddle Fest
Do you have a group of volunteers you would like to get involved with Shenango River Watchers?
Contact our office! info@shenangoriverwatchers.org
One of the best ways to keep up with all of our volunteer opportunities is subscribing to our email list.
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”
-Elizabeth Andrew